An Extended Action is unique among actions, used to complete complex tasks.

  • Roll your dice pool multiple times.
  • Each roll takes a certain amount of time, and represents a step in the process.
  • You either make progress or experience a setback.
  • Determine your dice pool as normal.
  • Make note of your Attribute + Skill + Speciality: That is the maximum number of times you can roll before it fails.

When you take an extended action, the Storyteller determines how many successes you require.
Most actions require between five and twenty successes.
Five reflects a reasonable action that competent characters can achieve with the right tools and knowledge.
Ten represents a difficult action that’s still realistic for a professional in a field.
Twenty represents a very difficult action that even a particularly skilled character will have trouble pulling off.

Roll Results

Dramatic Failure

In addition to the effects of a failure, the first roll on a further attempt suffers a –2 die penalty.


You face a setback. The Storyteller will offer you a choice: take a Condition of her choice or abandon the action. You can offer a different Condition if you think it makes sense. If you refuse or cannot agree on a Condition, you lose all accumulated successes.


Add the successes scored on the roll to your running total. Work with the Storyteller to determine what steps your character has taken towards his goal.

Exceptional Success

Choose one of:

  • Reduce the number of successes required by your character’s Skill dots
  • Reduce the time on each following roll by a quarter
  • Apply the exceptional success result of the action when you complete your goal.