Arcanum: Forces
Practice: Fraying or Perfecting
Primary Factor: Duration
Suggested Rote Skills: Athletics, Survival, Science

The mage may increase or decrease gravity.

If increasing it, each level of Potency subtracts 3 Speed from all subjects, as well as penalizing jumping rolls, subtracting a distance equal to Potency from success rolled.
If Potency exceeds the Strength of an animal caught in the area, the subject suffers –1 to all Physical dice pools for each point of difference.
Flying creatures must succeed on a Strength + Athletics roll each turn or plummet downward at a Speed equal to the Potency.

Nullifying gravity increases the Speed of anyone within the area of effect by the spell’s Potency.

Increase jumping distance per success rolled by the spell’s Potency.
Additionally, the mage can cause objects to fall in any direction she chooses when she creates the spell.