Arcanum: Space
Practice: Unveiling
Primary Factor: Duration
Suggested Rote Skills: Firearms, Investigation, Occult

While this spell is active, the subject can see and hear in all directions and from all points within her sensory range simultaneously.

If all locations are one, it must follow that all directions are one as well.

She can see what’s happening behind her, on the far side of a door, or beneath her feet. She cannot perceive things farther away than her normal perceptions might allow, nor can she see through darkness.
In essence, it’s as though everything happening around her were spread out on a flat plain, bereft of obstruction. This allows her to cast sensory-range spells on subjects she might not ordinarily be able to perceive.

The subject is also nearly impossible to ambush or surprise — barring exceptional camouflage or a tremendous distraction to draw her attention, all such attempts are reduced to a chance die.
Finally, the subject may reduce any penalties due to range, cover, or concealment (but not darkness or similar poor visibility) by the spell’s Potency.

+2 Reach: The mage may use the spell to see through an existing warp or shortcut through Space; a Distortion Iris, the effects of a Scrying spell, or a magical portal created with Co-Location are all applicable. With additional Arcana based on the nature of the portal, other kinds of Iris may be seen through at the Storyteller’s discretion.