Wisdom decays through Acts of Hubris, wherein a mage ignores consequence in pursuit of her goals. Every mage and every circumstance is different from a Wisdom standpoint. Two mages in nearly identical circumstances may cast the same spell or commit the same action, but to one, his Wisdom is safe while the other risks degeneration.

Different levels of Wisdom handle degeneration differently. As a mage’s Wisdom decreases, she becomes inured to loss, and only great Acts of Hubris will risk degeneration. On the other side of the spectrum, a mage with high Wisdom stands in a constant balancing act between Wisdom and hubris, and any minor misstep can send her Wisdom plummeting.

As a Storyteller, assess each action for potential hubris, and compare to the character’s Wisdom. If the character’s Wisdom is equal to or higher than the level you feel fits the action, the character risks degeneration.

Degeneration risks use a number of dice depending on the relative Wisdom level of the Act of Hubris. Consult the Acts of Hubris list for how many dice each level of Wisdom act use. Note that the dice pool depends on the action; it doesn’t depend on the mage’s Wisdom. A mage with three dots of Wisdom and a mage with nine dots of Wisdom both use a base pool of 1 die if they commit a Wisdom 1 Act of Hubris.

Following Obsessions hurts a mage’s chance to maintain Wisdom, as that driving power makes him ignore the implications of his actions. If the Storyteller feels the mage commits an Act of Hubris in pursuit of his Obsessions, remove one die from the dice pool for degeneration.

A character’s Virtue can add a die to the pool, if the act embodied hubris, but in defence of that Virtue. The character may very well understand and see the consequences of her actions, but she stands by them because she truly, fundamentally believes her actions are righteous.

On the other hand, following a Vice as an Act of Hubris is similar to an Obsession; it removes a die from the pool as your character indulges in what she believes is a moral failing.

Roll the resulting dice pool. You may not spend Willpower on this roll.

Roll Results

Dramatic Failure

Your character not only loses a dot of Wisdom from her complete disregard for the world around her, but she also gains a Persistent Condition pertaining to the hubris. Take Megalomaniacal or Rampant. The normal resolution gives a Beat. Your character may only resolve the Condition permanently by gaining a dot of Wisdom.


Your character loses a dot of Wisdom, as she fails to see the consequences and ripples from her actions. Take the Megalomaniacal or Rampant Condition.


Your character is able to examine and understand the ramifications of her actions. She does not lose Wisdom.

Exceptional Excess

Your character’s Wisdom is reinforced by examining the risk and consequences of her actions. Take an additional Arcane Beat from the epiphany.

Any time your character risks Wisdom degeneration, she gains an Arcane Beat. Exploring the depths of hubris can be enlightening.

Additionally, some spells that attack the soul, or powers of other supernatural creatures in the Fallen World, can temporarily reduce Wisdom until their effects wear off.