Arcanum: Prime
Practice: Patterning
Primary Factor: Duration
Withstand: Resolve
Suggested Rote Skills: Occult, Persuasion, Socialise

The subject of this spell has the scales of the Lie removed from his eyes. Anyone subject to this spell — mage, Sleeper, or other supernatural being — gains Mage Sight attuned to the Path of the caster.

Along with this gift comes temporary immunity to the Quiescence curse.
It does not, however, prepare the target for how to interpret the visions received under Mage Sight, and the uninitiated are likely to face breaking points due to the trauma of the Sight.

While Awakened subjects may control the new Sight as though it were their own, focusing it and pushing it back to the Periphery like their own, other subjects gain Active Mage Sight and cannot shut the Sight off — it lasts until the spell’s Duration expires, but still applies dice pool penalties and Willpower costs as per Mage Sight.

If the subject runs out of Willpower points and the spell is still active, he gains the Blind Condition as the Supernal vision burns out his eyes.
(At the Storyteller’s discretion, this might be replaced with Deafened or a similar Condition if the subject experiences Mage Sight with other senses).

+1Reach and Add Any Other Arcanum •: The mage may add an Arcanum to the granted Sight, but must pay Mana to add Common or Inferior Arcana as though she were activating Mage Sight herself.