Arcanum: Life
Practice: Making
Primary Factor: Duration
Suggested Rote Skills: Medicine, Science, Survival

A Master of Life may create a new living organism of nearly any variety: plant, fungus, animal, even complex organisms like humans and cetaceans.

The created being is mindless without the conjunctional use of the Mind Arcanum to give it intelligence, acting purely upon instinct.
It will be a simple creature, even for its kind, but otherwise fully functional and even capable of procreation.

What a mage can create is limited by little other than her imagination, though truly fantastical creatures are beyond the scope of this spell. She cannot create a winged dragon, for instance, and expect it to fly in defiance of physics.

The Size of Target Scale factor determines the maximum Size of the created organism. The creation has all the basic characteristics of an organism of its type; the mage need not impart the ability to breed or move in ways normal to that species.

When the spell’s Duration expires, so does the created organism, which may count as an Act of Hubris against Enlightened Wisdom.
Simply creating the living creature knowing this may also count as an Act of Hubris.

Some mages use this spell to create bodies they can possess or alter with other Life magic, use to bribe spirits looking for a host body, or create a companion (often done with an Indefinite Duration).
Created human bodies are soulless and thus immediately gain the Soulless Condition.

Add Mind •••••: The caster gives her creation a true mind as appropriate for the organism’s type.

+1 Reach: The organism may be created with additional features for every level of Potency above the base required, as per Transform Life.