Arcanum: Matter
Practice: Weaving
Primary Factor: Duration
Withstand: Durability
Suggested Rote Skills: Crafts, Persuasion, Science

The mage can transmute any inorganic material one “step” along the path from solid to liquid to gas.

This magically-induced state change does not change the material’s temperature: liquefied steel remains as cool to the touch as if it were solid, and vaporized ice is still freezing cold.
Transforming a liquid or gas into a solid gives the new object a Durability equal to the spell’s Potency; Structure is determined as Durability + Size.

When the Duration wears off, the substance returns to its natural state, but keeps the form it held during its altered state. (In the case of materials turned to gas, this often means a fine rain or snow of unusual composition.)

Add Forces •••: The mage may transmute matter into plasma.

+1 Reach: The mage may transform a solid directly into a gas, or a gas directly into a solid.