
_Academics represents general higher education and knowledge of arts and humanities. _

  • It covers topics like history, language, literature, law, and economics.
  • It is a very broad Skill that covers general knowledge in all of these areas, but Skill Specialties can be used to represent a specific focus.
  • The Academics Skill often represents the amount of schooling a character has.
  • However, some characters are self-taught or have learned a great deal about relevant topics without actually setting foot on a college campus.
  • Some people with advanced degrees pay no attention to topics outside their area of expertise, and have a low rating in Academics


Sample Actions

Sample Specialties

  • English Literature
  • History
  • Law
  • Linguistics
  • Research

Sample Contacts

  • Rare Book Dealer
  • Law Processor
  • Head Librarian


Examples and descriptions of someone at each level

Novice (1 dot)

  • Someone with a basic knowledge of history
  • High school graduate
  • College student
  • A character at this level knows how to conduct research and probably did well in school.

Professional (2 dot)

  • PhD student
  • Teacher
  • Someone well-read with enough to have a solid grasp on a number of fields of academia
  • A character at this level can recall details about many different topics and understands how to find more information on subjects that they do not immediately recall.

Experienced (3 dot)

  • Someone with excellent general education
  • High expertise in one or two areas (usually Skill Specialties)
  • College professor
  • PhD holder
  • An exceptionally voracious reader

Expert (4 dot)

  • PhD at a prestigious school
  • Acknowledged expert
  • Extensively knowledgeable
  • Great experience with conducting research
  • Self-taught polymath
  • Genius
  • Can likely teach master classes on a number of different topics and is up-to-date with the latest ideas within many fields

Master (5 dot)

  • One of the top minds in academia
  • The eminent figure in their field
  • A walking Wikipedia with facts on everything
  • This person’s memory and breadth of knowledge is astounding