Arcanum: Time
Practice: Unmaking
Primary Factor: Potency
Suggested Rote Skills: Academics, Investigation, Persuasion

Where less-advanced Time mages can only undo actions leading directly up to the present, a Master may choose any moment in her subject’s timeline and destroy everything after it, sending the subject’s present self back in time to the moment of the mage’s choosing.

The subject arrives in the past at the specified time, inhabiting his own past body and is free to act, changing history by his actions, although the distortions to his timeline are visible under Active Time Mage Sight. He remains in the past for a time equal to Corridors of Time’s Duration factor, or until he “catches up” to the present.
Once in the present, the new timeline sets and any changes the subject made to history become Lasting.

Without temporal sympathy, the subject may only be sent back to a period with an Unchanged temporal sympathy to the present.
By using temporal sympathy, the mage may allow her subject to revisit old decisions and make different choices. The subject arrives in whatever location he was in at the time chosen.
By including the Sympathetic Range Attainment, the mage may send him somewhere else, but subjects cannot be sent back to periods outside their own lifetime.
Such unfettered time travel is the stuff of legend, temporal Irises, and whispers about the powers of archmages.