
_The Crafts Skill represents a character’s knowledge of repairing, designing, and creating things. _

  • It covers tasks like rebuilding a car engine, laying a foundation for a house, or sewing clothing.
  • It also has some overlap with Expression for purposes of creating paintings or sculpture.
  • In general, Crafts should be used when you are trying to make something that is accurate (a scale model, an eye-witness sketch, or a reconstruction of a damaged manuscript) or useful for a specific task, as opposed to something that is being created to be beautiful or convey emotion.
  • A character using the Crafts Skill will generally need specific tools and materials.
  • They have the knowledge to make something, but they usually cannot do it with their bare hands. However, this generally should not cause them problems unless they are in a situation where the tools or materials are rare or difficult to access.


Sample Actions

Sample Specialties

  • Automotive
  • Carpentry
  • Jury Rigging
  • Sculpting
  • Welding

Sample Contacts

  • Automotive engineer
  • 3d printing expert
  • Crime Sketch Artist


Examples and descriptions of someone at each level

Novice (1 dot)

  • Replace brakes, oil and belts
  • Can make simple repairs and fix plumbing
  • Understands how to read and create blueprints and design diagrams
  • A character at this level can perform basic automotive repair and maintenance

Professional (2 dot)

  • Can perform extensive repairs of cars and other vehicles
  • Can work as a professional handyman
  • Works with a construction crew seamlessly on houses to high-rises
  • A character at this level can produce high quality and professional blueprints and designs

Experienced (3 dot)

  • Can design and build a house from the ground up
  • Completely rebuild a car
  • Handle industrial electrical and plumbing solutions
  • A character at this level is a talented builder or architect

Expert (4 dot)

  • Can design and build almost anything they can imagine
  • Can weld just about anything
  • Can build a car from scratch
  • Machines precision parts easily and with speed

Master (5 dot)

  • This character can repair anything
  • Building working devices from scraps in minutes
  • The da Vinci of diagrams, design, and creation
  • Able to seamlessly incorporate anything needed into their work