Arcanum: Space
Practice: Ruling
Primary Factor: Potency
Suggested Rote Skills: Athletics, Larceny, Persuasion

To restrain a willworker is to try to ensnare someone in a lie he does not believe.

This spell allows the mage to bypass a single obstacle restricting her subject’s movement: a locked door, a pair of handcuffs, a barred window, etc.
The subject “blinks” through the door, or her hands seem to pass right through the handcuffs, or similar effects.

This spell can only bypass a physical obstacle obstructing an actual path. The mage can, for example, slip through a roaring fire that blocks the road ahead or across a chasm too wide to jump, but cannot blink through a solid wall.
If cast on an inanimate object, the mage or an ally must still carry or push the subject through the obstacle.

+1 Reach: The spell allows subjects to fit through narrow or restrictive pathways they would not otherwise pass through, even if the path were not obstructed. For example, casting this spell on a car would allow the mage to drive it inside a house even though it would not fit through the door.

+2 Reach: Subjects pass through obstructions even if they are unable to move, appearing on the other side.