Cost: ••

  • Silver Ladder Status •

The laws of the Pentacle are symbolic concepts designed by people who make symbols real.

A théarch acting in an official, titled capacity (such as Herald, Sentinel, Factotum, Deacon, Hierarch, or Magister) gains certain advantages with this Merit:

  • First, add her Silver Ladder Status or Consilium Status (whichever she’s acting with) to her Doors when a character attempts to outmanoeuvre her socially.
  • Second, characters cannot use Willpower to increase dice pools on Social actions or magic which would influence her behaviour.
  • Lastly, your character may use her Silver Ladder Status or Consilium Status (whichever is higher) as a Yantra in spells directly enforcing the Lex Magica’s laws. This includes spells to investigate potential crimes, to pursue offenders, to use the law to defend innocence, and any other spell to help the rule of law work more thoroughly. The dice bonus for the Yantra is half the Merit dots used, rounded up.