Arcanum: Space
Practice: Knowing
Primary Factor: Potency
Suggested Rote Skills: Academics, Empathy, Medicine

We are all of us defined by our connections, and through this spell a mage learns those definitions.

For every level of Potency, the mage learns one of the subject’s sympathetic links.

The spell reveals the subject’s oldest and strongest links first.
She understands these connections in the same manner the subject thinks of them (e.g. “my childhood home,” not “1414 Willowbrook Drive, Columbus, OH”).

If the other half of the sympathetic link is within the mage’s sensory range, she knows that and knows its exact location.

+1 Reach: The mage can “follow” a trail of sympathetic links. When she learns of one of her initial subject’s sympathetic connections, she may choose to learn one of that subject’s connections, and so on. For example, she might follow a wedding ring to its owner, then its owner’s spouse, then the spouse’s place of employment.

+1 Reach: The mage understands the emotional character of the connection in broad terms. “My childhood home” might carry notes of comfort and safety or fear and loathing, depending on the subject’s upbringing.

+2 Reach: The mage may specify the connections she wishes to uncover in general terms (“an object with a strong link to his childhood”) or (“those she hates”). Again, the knowledge is contextualized based on the subject’s perceptions.

+2 Reach: If the subject is a Keyed spell or Iris, the mage may use one level of Potency to discover the Key instead of a link.