Arcanum: Time
Practice: Making
Primary Factor: Duration
Suggested Rote Skills: Occult, Science, Stealth

The mage grants her subject a gift of hours, Making extra time on her timeline.

To the subject, the entire world appears to pause, frozen in time.

After the subjective Duration factor of the spell, the subject re-joins the Fallen World’s timeline and, to him, the universe immediately starts moving again.

While under the effects of a Temporal Pocket, the subject ages normally, any Conditions that change with time continue, wounds continue bleeding out, he must sleep the usual amount, and so on.
He may move freely, examine objects, take any Mental actions, heal, touch things, and even cast spells with himself as the subject, but not physically move, consume, or injure anything — any attempt to do so immediately ends the spell, but returns the subject to the timeline having just completed the action he attempted.