Cost: •, ••, •••

  • None

Your character has established an alternate mundane identity; not a Shadow Name, but a second identity she can use among Sleepers and to lessen the risk of her real sympathetic name being uncovered by enemies.

The level of this Merit determines the amount of scrutiny the identity can withstand.

At one dot, the identity is superficial and unofficial: a simple but consistent costume, alias, and accent. It won’t hold up to any kind of official scrutiny, but it’s also easy to replace.

At two dots, she’s supported her identity with paperwork and identification. It’s not liable to stand up to extensive research or Federal investigation, but it’ll turn away private investigators and internet hobbyists.

At three dots, the identity can pass thorough inspection. The identity has been deeply entrenched in relevant databases.

The Merit also reflects the time the character has spent honing the persona. At 1 or 2 dots, she adds 1 die to all Subterfuge rolls to defend the identity. At 3 dots, she adds 2.

This Merit can be purchased multiple times, with each time representing an additional identity.