Arcanum: Time
Practice: Patterning
Primary Factor: Potency
Withstand: Resolve
Suggested Rote Skills: Expression, Investigation, Persuasion

Reaching back through time, the mage warps her subject’s timeline, making her present self as though her life took a very different course.

This spell allows the mage to rewrite a subject’s history, choosing a point of divergence on his timeline and specifying changes from there.

Without Temporal Sympathy, only recent decisions and changes can be rewritten, but as long as the subject is Unchanged at the point of divergence, the mage may make alterations as she wishes.
With Temporal Sympathy, the spell is capable of changing every detail of a subject’s history, though the false timeline created must still be possible.

Once the Duration expires, the subject instantly reverts to its original history. Memories of the time spent “rewritten” will seem distant and hazy, dreamlike, but the subject will remember the altered perspective at least to some degree unless Mind magic further alters her memories.

This spell does not normally affect supernatural creatures.

+1 Reach: The spell may reassign up to Potency Skill or Merit dots, as the subject’s training and background shift. Skills may not exceed the subject’s maximum.

+1 Reach: The spell may reassign Attribute dots up to Potency, but may not move any category of Attributes below the character creation amount for its priority, or take any Attribute over the maximum for the subject

+2 Reach: This spell can affect supernatural creatures. While this cannot remove the supernatural Advantages of creatures born to their condition (like werewolves, spirits, or demons), creatures transformed at some point during their lives, like vampires or changelings, can briefly experience life as though they hadn’t been changed.