Arcanum: Space
Practice: Compelling
Primary Factor: Potency
Withstand: Stamina
Suggested Rote Skills: Athletics, Science, Survival

Space is more flexible than many believe. By subtly pinching or stretching the space around her subject, the mage allows her to cover far more ground with each step than is readily apparent.

The mage adds the spell’s Potency to the subject’s Speed. Watching someone under the influence of this spell is alarming: It’s hard for the eye to track her, as each step carries her farther than it should, and in every blink or momentary glance away she seems to leap farther than should be possible in such a short time.

This spell can also reduce a subject’s Speed by its Potency (though not below 1). Those who have experienced this effect liken it to a nightmare wherein no matter how fast you run, you never get closer to your goal.