Arcanum: Space
Practice: Perfecting
Primary Factor: Duration
Suggested Rote Skills: Academics, Empathy, Larceny

To possess true Sympathy toward something is to be nearly indistinguishable from it.

With this spell, the subject becomes so like those with whom she has Sympathy that she finds it trivial to predict them. When the subject takes an action whose subject is one of her Strong sympathetic connections (e.g. social interaction, guessing what he’ll do in a certain situation, etc.), she gains 8-Again on her roll.

+1 Reach: The subject’s sympathetic connection is so great that it can fool even magic. When the subject of Perfect Sympathy is the target of a spell using the Sympathetic Range Attainment, it provokes a Clash of Wills. If the mage succeeds, she may redirect the spell’s effects to one of the subject’s Strong sympathetic connections instead.

+1 Reach: For one point of Mana, the subject gains the rote action quality on a number of actions equal to the spell’s Potency, as long as those actions affect one of her Strong sympathetic connections.

+1 Reach: The benefits of this spell extend to the subject’s Medium sympathetic connections.