Arcanum: Death
Practice: Unmaking
Primary Factor: Potency
Withstand: Resolve
Suggested Rote Skills: Crafts, Intimidation, Medicine

The soul of a mage cannot be removed with Fraying alone; Awakened Gnosis holds it tight, requiring mastery to prise lose.

This spell Unmakes the protective metaphysical layers of a mage’s soul, ripping it free and placing it into a container.
That container can either be a specially prepared vessel such as one created with “Soul Jar,” or the caster can take the soul into her own body.

While without a soul, the subject suffers from the Soulless Condition. If this spell is cast on a subject who is already under the effects of the Soulless Condition, he is stepped up to the Enervated Condition — though the mage does not gain immediate access to his soul, since it is already missing.

If the mage chooses not to capture her subject’s soul immediately, it goes into Twilight where it waits to return to its owner.

+1 Reach: The subject falls immediately under the effects of the Enervated Condition.
With an additionalReach, the subject can be placed under the effects of the Thrall Condition.