Cost: • to •••••

  • Guardians of the Veil Status •

The Guardians must adopt Masques, personas, in order to detach from the grim necessities of their work and stay in cover.

Their ancient practices allow these Masques to become different people almost entirely; they have different abilities and even ethical codes to suit the role.

At each level of Masque, the persona gains different abilities that are only available to the character upon donning the Masque.
Adopting a Masque requires spending a point of Willpower, which cannot be replenished so long as the character maintains the identity.
Shedding a Masque requires a full minute to get “out of character”.

To take additional Masques, purchase them as single, two-dot Merits. This gives the additional Masques at the same level as the primary Masque.

Identity (•)

Choose a Virtue and Vice different than that of your character. While in the Masque, your character benefits from those traits instead of her own.

Competency (••)

Choose Skill Specialties equal to the Masque Merit dots. Your character uses those Specialties instead of her own while in the Masque.

Diffusion (•••)

Choose a new Signature Nimbus. While in the Masque, your character uses that Nimbus instead of her own.

The Code (••••)

Choose two Acts of Hubris your character would normally suffer. While in the Masque, your character does not risk Wisdom for those acts.

Immersion (•••••)

Choose up to five Merit dots. When your character dons her Masque, she gains access to these Merits. These Merits must be logical parts of the identity, at Storyteller discretion, and cannot include further Masques.