Arcanum: Mind
Practice: Patterning
Primary Factor: Duration
Withstand: Resolve
Suggested Rote Skills: Academics, Occult, Socialise

The mage can project the subject’s consciousness into a state of Twilight or into another’s dreams.

The mental projection uses the rules for Dream Forms.
It has no ephemeral body, but is instead an incorporeal, intangible mental image.

While in Twilight, the subject cannot interact physically with her surroundings, and must use magic to affect anything. She is immune to physical attacks, but she is still susceptible to mind-affecting supernatural abilities.
While mentally projected, her body lies in a comatose state, and she has no way of knowing its health or state without returning or the use of other magic.

If her projection dies, she returns to her body with the Soul Shocked Condition..

Add Spirit ••: The mage may project the subject’s consciousness beyond The Gauntlet into the Shadow Realm. The spell is also Withstood by The Gauntlet rating.