
_Investigation is a character’s ability to find and put together clues and solve mysteries and puzzles. _

  • It represents the ability to think laterally and make useful intuitive leaps, find meaningful patterns in confusion, and draw conclusions from the available data.
  • Using this Skill is different than the Perception Attribute task that can be found under Wits and Composure. Perception is typically checked when a character is not actively searching, but could potentially see something out of place or unusual.
  • Investigation is a Skill that the character actively uses to find clues and information and create a more concrete picture of the situation.


Sample Actions

  • Examine a crime scene (Wits + Investigation)
  • Identify a patter (Wits + Investigation)
  • Solve a riddle (Intelligence + Investigation)

Sample Specialties

  • Crime Scenes
  • Cryptography
  • Dreams
  • Forensics
  • Riddles

Sample Contacts

  • Conspiracy buff
  • Medical examiner
  • Private investigator


Examples and descriptions of someone at each level

Novice (1 dot)

  • The character is an armchair detective
  • Excels at puzzles, riddles and brainteasers

Professional (2 dot)

  • Very good at putting details together from a larger picture
  • Works as a coroner or crime lab attendant
  • Regularly tests their deduction

Experienced (3 dot)

  • Excellent eye for details most would miss
  • Experienced detectives would be impressed at their detail-orientation
  • Fills out crosswords in pen
  • Solves riddles easily after just a few moments

Expert (4 dot)

  • Near-supernatural deductive abilities
  • Can find connections between things that seem completely separate
  • Makes amazing intuitive leaps
  • Can find patters in massive amounts of data

Master (5 dot)

  • Sherlock Holmes
  • Insights and instincts are perfect
  • No clue escapes their notice