Arcanum: Mind
Practice: Ruling
Primary Factor: Potency
Withstand: Composure
Suggested Rote Skills: Crafts, Empathy, Socialise

The mage synchronizes the surface thoughts of her subjects, making the surface thoughts of one play out in the mind of the others.

Apply the spell’s Potency as a bonus or penalty to relevant Skill rolls (such as Empathy or Subterfuge) between the subjects.

Subjects who carefully think of a message may use the effect to communicate telepathically along the link; this may require a Composure + Empathy roll for subjects unused to the sensation.

+1 Reach: Only thoughts the originating subject wishes to send are transmitted.

+1 Reach: All subjects of the spell are capable of both sending and receiving thoughts. If the spell has several subjects unused to telepathy, it may impose a –2 penalty to Mental actions through sheer mental “noise.”