The titular mages of this world are called the Awakened or the Wise; those who have been roused from Sleep and seek to explore and understand.

Awakened are mages, humans capable of mystical feats and powerful magics; emboldened by the Supernal they can now witness, they unleash powerful magics, tempered by their very wills, to enforce themselves upon the very fabric of reality. Mages are points in The Lie, individuals who have through trials and often failure risen above and become capable of seeing reality for what it is.

There is a cost, however.
Every mage must behold reality as it is. They must see, and they are forced to keep this sight from everyone they knew before they awakened, as Sleepers are incapable of understand the Truths of which they speak.

This inability to turn off their visions, to shackle their minds, also results in an inability to turn away from these Mysteries. Some claim Obsession is something inherent to being a mage, that simply becoming awakened brings with it the desire to understand; others believe it to simply be that those who awaken are the ones who crave understanding in some deep part of themselves.

Either way, no mage can turn their backs on the Mysteries forever, they will always seek them out just as we seek to understand that which is a mystery to us.
A pressing mystery can never be ignored.