Arcanum: Space
Practice: Patterning
Primary Factor: Duration
Suggested Rote Skills: Academics, Firearms, Persuasion

“Direction” is nothing more than a vector between two points. With this spell, the mage overwrites that concept, letting her define her path as anything she desires.

When cast on an area, this spell allows her to change a number of absolute directions (e.g. north, south, up, down) equal to the spell’s Potency. She might redefine “down” as “up,” causing anything not rooted to the ground to fall into the sky, or redefine “north” as “south by southwest,” causing compasses to point the wrong way.
Objects entering the area at speed find their direction of travel and momentum abruptly altered, which may require a Dexterity + Athletics or Drive roll to maintain control. This change isn’t necessarily reciprocal; if the mage decrees that north is south, that doesn’t mean that south is north — rather, it is impossible for anyone in the area to go north.

Alternately, the mage may cast this spell on a specific subject and change a direction relative to that subject.
She might redefine her own personal “down” as “the direction my feet are pointing,” allowing her to walk on walls or ceilings, or redefine an attacker’s “forward” as “toward the person holding the gun” before he shoots her.

+1 Reach: The mage can redefine directions as curves, loops, or other shapes beyond a simple straight line. This might allow her to cause anyone walking straight ahead to move in an endless circle, or trace a “straight” path for her bullets that weaves around obstacles and friendlies. Apply the spell’s Potency as a bonus or penalty to relevant actions.