Arcanum: Time
Practice: Patterning
Primary Factor: Potency
Suggested Rote Skills: Academics, Expression, Investigation

The mage causes the future to conform to her expectations, building a hypothetical scenario she can then examine for knowledge about how to alter the future drastically, whether to ensure or avert a specific event.

This works like “Divination”, but the mage can ask specific questions and also gains answers about things that might come to pass, depending on variables like choice or outside chance.

For example, she could ask whether calling her ex will lead to reconciliation if she makes the attempt, or whether killing a man might set his son down a road to revenge.
She can ask one such question per level of Potency and receive a detailed answer that accounts for hypothetical events. Other mages using Divination on the same subject while Prophecy is in effect see the most likely outcome of the scenario set by this spell.

+1 Reach: By building the hypothetical future around a Social interaction, the mage may reduce the subject’s Doors by Potency, since she has intimate knowledge how each question or interaction might affect the target’s choices.