Arcanum: Space
Practice: Ruling
Primary Factor: Duration
Suggested Rote Skills: Computers, Occult, Subterfuge

By means of this spell, the mage parts the curtain of the Lie and reveals a distant location to her senses.

She creates a “window” that allows her to perceive the subject, much like a television screen.
When she casts the spell, she may choose whether the spell is one way, or whether people at the location can see back through the window.

When casting this spell sympathetically, exactly what the mage sees depends on the sympathetic Yantra she employs.
Sympathy to a location shows her a broad overview of the area, analogous to a cinematic wide shot, but one that remains static.
Sympathy to a person or object tends to show a “close up” of the subject — the window will follow the subject if it moves, but the mage may not be able to make out details of where the subject is or who else might be present.

When cast on a subject within sensory range, the scrying window gives the mage a view as though she were standing right next to the subject. The mage can move this view around as a Reflexive Action to view the target from any angle she wants.

Casting spells on subjects the mage can see through the window counts as viewing them remotely.

Add Fate ••: The mage may make the scrying window selectively one-way, allowing only specific people to perceive her from the other side of the window.