
Animal Ken represents a character’s understanding of animal behaviour. A character can use this Skill to train animals, calm frightened or injured animals, or cow violent and aggressive creatures.

  • Characters with Animal Ken understand how animals think and behave, whether through intuition and respect for animals or analytical observation


Sample Actions

  • Animal training (Composure + Animal Ken)
  • Cowing an animal (Presence + Animal Ken)
  • Soothing an animal (Presence + Animal Ken

Sample Specialties

  • Dogs
  • Exotic Pets
  • Horses
  • Training
  • Wild Animals

Sample Contacts

  • Crazy Cat Lady
  • Rodeo Horse Trainer
  • Zoo Veterinarian


Examples and descriptions of someone at each level

Novice (1 dot)

  • At this level, the character has a knack with animals and is good with just about any common animals
  • He can make friends with any domesticate creature, and can establish a good relationship with most nonaggressive wild animals

Professional (2 dot)

  • The character can work with animals professionally
  • She knows how to handle and train commonly domesticated animals like dogs and horses
  • They have some idea how to train many wild species, even ones that are normally aggressive or difficult to work with

Experienced (3 dot)

  • At this rank, the character can easily train any domesticated animal
  • Seems to have a sixth sense for how animals behave and what they are feeling

Expert (4 dot)

  • The character can train animals to perform well beyond their normal behaviors
  • She can train horses for combat or for movie tricks, or even train wild animals like tigers

Master (5 dot)

  • The character can all but speak to animals
  • He is an absolute expert in the behaviours of even wild animals, and can soothe or cow an angry bear or a hunting cougar