Arcanum: Fate
Practice: Ruling
Primary Factor: Duration
Suggested Rote Skills: Investigation, Larceny, Science

The probability of correctly guessing a phone number, a password, or lock combination on the first try is minute but not impossible. This spell allows the mage to do just that simply by entering data into an appropriate device.

This can be used on anything like a password field, a telephone, a safe combination, etc.
In addition to any story benefits, the mage gains the Informed Condition on next relevant roll that benefits from knowledge gained through this spell.

This spell uses the input device as its subject, and the mage concentrates on what she is attempting to accomplish.
It does not require sympathy even for applications such as guessing the phone number for a particular person; the magic applies to the probabilities of random input, rather than locating a target.

Although it will call the nearest available phone to the person the mage is trying to reach, the spell doesn’t tell the caster where that phone is.