Revelation is an Instant Action. It can be undertaken when a mage first encounters a Mystery, revealing only the surface information, and also when a mage has unravelled some or all of the Mystery’s Opacity.

Dice Pool: Gnosis + Arcanum - Opacity
Action: Instant Action

Roll Results

Dramatic Failure

The player overloads her own perceptions and the subject of her study with Mana, akin to spilling a bottle of ink on a page she was deciphering. No Scrutiny or Revelation of that subject is possible — by any mage — for the next 24 hours. The Prime spell “Cleanse Pattern” can dissolve the Mana before then, allowing further Scrutiny.


The mage is unable to Reveal anything about the subject. She can still attempt to Scrutinize it, however.


The mage discovers the surface information of the Mystery.

Exceptional Success

The mage discovers the surface information of the Mystery and can either lower the Mystery’s Opacity rating by 1, or, at the Storyteller’s discretion, uncover one piece of deep information.