Arcanum: Prime
Practice: Unmaking
Primary Factor: Potency
Withstand: Hallow Rating, if applicable
Suggested Rote Skills: Athletics, Occult, Survival

This spell severs the world’s connection with the Supernal, creating a “dead zone” in which the energies of life simply cease to be.

By defining all truths, the Supernal includes the means of its own erasure.

The spell has the following effects:

  • Ley Lines within the area dry up and die. Nodes similarly cease to function.
  • Hallows whose rating is less than the spell’s Potency fall dormant.
  • Sleepers who spend more than a day within the area gain the Enervated condition (This is not soul-loss and victims do not progress further)
  • Any attempt to reawaken a Hallow within the area adds the Potency of this spell to the Hallow’s dot rating for purposes of Withstanding the effect.

+2 Reach: The effects are Lasting, though without major geomantic workings to maintain the barren state, within a month or so natural rhythms will reassert themselves and Ley Lines, Nodes, and the health of the Sleepers will return. Hallows, however, remain dormant.