Arcanum: Death
Practice: Fraying
Primary Factor: Potency
Withstand: Resolve
Suggested Rote Skills: Intimidation, Medicine, Persuasion

The mage may pull the energy from his subject’s suffering into himself

The mage chooses at the time of casting to either harvest Willpower or to scourge the subject’s Pattern for Mana.

The subject must have at least one Health box filled with either lethal or aggravated damage.
For each level of Potency, the mage may take one point of Willpower (up to the subject’s remaining Willpower points), or he may Scour the subject’s Pattern for one point of Mana, dealing one lethal damage in the process, causing existing wounds to open and fester.

Using this spell counts towards the limit of times per day a mage can gain Mana through Scouring.

+1 Reach: The mage may affect a healthy subject with this spell instead of one who has recently taken damage.

+1 Reach: The spell does not count toward the limit of times per day a mage can gain Mana through Scouring.

+1 Reach: The mage may affect a ghost with this spell, damaging its Corpus to gain either Willpower or Mana on a one for one basis. The mage must choose when casting the spell to take either Willpower or Mana, and cannot take a mix of the two from the ghost.