The Path of a mage refers to which of the 5 major paths they traverse in order to regain and maintain their connection to the Supernal

The 5 Paths are:

Theoretical models of the cosmos give infinite numbers of Supernal Realms, hidden deep beyond the Supernal World revealed through Mage Sight. Other, rival, theories state that there is only one Supernal Realm, and that all seeming division is imposed on magic by mortal minds.
Despite the debates, for all intents and purposes mages count five different facets or Paths of the Supernal World: five ways to see through the Lie, five ways to achieve magic, five kinds of mages.

Each Path is dominated by the symbols of two Ruling Arcana, which mages of that Path have a great instinctive familiarity with, and is notably deficient in a third Inferior one. The Paths are defined by the interplays of the Ruling Arcana, each with one Subtle Arcanum governing the symbols and magic of hidden, esoteric phenomena of the Path, and one Gross Arcanum governing its concrete, eminent manifestations.