Arcanum: Mind
Practice: Patterning
Primary Factor: Potency
Withstand: Resolve
Suggested Rote Skills: Medicine, Persuasion, Subterfuge

The mage can send her consciousness into the subject and take possession of his body.

The mage takes control of the subject, imposing the Possessed Condition.

While possessing the subject, the mage uses the rules for possession as an ephemeral entity, with the following changes.
She may use any of her Mind spells on the subject to read his mind, and she may spend a point of Mana to use her own Mental and Social Attributes instead of the host’s Attributes.
She must always use her subject’s Physical Attributes, but may spend a point of Mana to reduce the –3 penalty on Physical actions to 0.
While possessing the subject, her body is comatose as with Psychic Projection.