Arcanum: Fate
Practice: Unveiling
Primary Factor: Duration
Suggested Rote Skills: Occult, Politics, Investigation

In folktales, witches always seem to know when their subjects fulfil (or violate) the terms of an agreement. This spell notifies the mage when a specified fate befalls its subject — whether the subject is the victim or the actor.

This triggering event must be something the mage could perceive if he were present (e.g. the subject suffers an injury, goes to the restroom, breaks her word, speaks the mage’s name, etc.).

+1 Reach: The mage receives a brief vision of the subject when the oath is fulfilled.

+1 Reach: The mage can track the subject until the spell’s Duration elapses. This doesn’t provide knowledge of the subject’s location, only of a path to the subject that is sure and swift.

+1 Reach: The trigger event may be something the mage could only perceive using Mage Sight.