Arcanum: Fate
Practice: Perfecting
Primary Factor: Duration
Suggested Rote Skills: Expression, Occult, Politics

The mage can witness a sworn oath and ensure that Fate itself enforces the subject’s adherence to her vow.

The subject makes a promise and states the consequences for herself if she violates the agreement.

No one can be forced to take such an oath, although a subject may be placed under oath unwittingly if he voluntarily makes a vow and verbally agrees to a specified consequence, even if he doesn’t realize the mage can enforce the oath supernaturally.

So long as the subject adheres to the oath she receives a Boon.
If a supernatural power would force the subject to violate her oath — either by action or inaction — the mage may make a Clash of Wills against the effect.

If the subject breaks the oath (whether intentionally or not), she suffers the Hex she agreed to at the time she took the oath. A subject who declares “I will guard your secrets or may I be struck blind,” will suffer the Blinded Tilt for the remaining Duration of the spell if he fails to guard those secrets, for example.

Once the subject has broken an oath, further violations of its terms do not levy additional Hexes.

If cast on multiple subjects, each subject may swear his own oath; this is often used to create contracts between two or more parties.

+1 Reach: As long as she maintains Spell Control, the mage is aware whether the spell remains a Boon or has shifted to being a Hex.