Arcanum: Time
Practice: Ruling
Primary Factor: Duration
Suggested Rote Skills: Crafts, Occult, Expression

With this spell, the mage captures pure expressions of magic — spells — at the moment they enter the Fallen World, suspending them before they take effect but preserving their Duration from decay.

The subject must be a mage, who must deliberately build his Imago to take advantage of this spell’s effect and pay one Mana when casting.

Hung Spell may entrap up to its Potency in spells, which remain in their caster’s Spell Control but do not take effect until Hung Spell is cancelled or runs out of Duration.
When Hung Spell ceases, the trapped spells immediately take effect and begin their own Durations.

Many mages use the Fate 2 Attainment to set a Conditional Duration on Hung Spell, so that it releases the trapped spells in response to set conditions.