Arcanum: Prime
Practice: Weaving
Primary Factor: Duration
Suggested Rote Skills: Brawl, Occult, Socialise

Magic itself falls under the purview of Prime, even its most private functions; by using this spell, a mage stirs the Supernal World, making it respond to mages within the spell’s area.

Rather than being wholly internal, Imagos formed by mages within the spell’s effect become visible in the Supernal World to all forms of Active Mage Sight, displayed as magical runes and flashes of symbols hovering around the mage.
Mages use this spell as a teaching aid, forming Imagos to display to their students without actually casting.

The spell has another role in mage society, though; it is the basis for the Duel Arcane, in which two rival mages display what they could do to one another.

+2 Reach: For one Mana, any attempt to Counterspell a spell cast within the area gains the rote action quality, as the plainly visible Imago makes the spell easy to decipher. (In many duels, seconds are appointed to stand ready to Counterspell attempts at cheating.)