Arcanum: Fate
Practice: Weaving
Primary Factor: Potency
Withstand: Composure
Suggested Rote Skills: Medicine, Persuasion, Politics

Fate is an instrument of both justice and punishment. This spell braids the fates of two subjects together. Whatever befalls one subject affects the other.

Whenever one subject suffers damage, a Tilt, or an unwanted Condition, any others suffer it as well. If Scale is not increased when casting this spell, the mage herself is treated as a subject.

+1 Reach: The link instead only works one way for one of the subjects — such that the subject suffers harm inflicted on the others but not the reverse.

+2 Reach: The subject is not linked to the mage or any other specific subject. Instead, she suffers any damage, Tilt, or unwanted Condition she inflicts, regardless of whom she harms.