Cabals dispute control of resources and real estate, to say nothing of access to contested Mysteries.

Wherever many mages gather in a region with a compelling long-term Mystery or many smaller Mysteries, the danger of conflict arises.

The Pentacle manages these pressures by creating a Consilium — a panel of Councillors chaired by a Hierarch, who hear and resolve disputes.

Consilium decisions are backed up by social pressure — cabals who don’t agree to abide by their local Consilium don’t get the protection from other mages it affords. Also, the judges tend to come from the oldest, most powerful cabals and employ Sentinels — enforcers and detectives who levy out the Consilium’s punishments.

A Consilium’s decisions aren’t always final — Convocations can act as a court of appeal — and they aren’t there to act as a government, except in issues where they make rulings to protect every Pentacle mage in their territory. As long as it doesn’t break any local laws, what a cabal gets up to is entirely the business of its members.

Consilium Roles

Most Consilia have members in the following roles:


The leader of the council. In some jurisdictions the Councillors defer to the Hierarch, acting as her advisors. In others she acts as moderator in hearings but only casts a vote in the event of a tie.
Hierarchs usually serve for life unless exceptional circumstances convince them to step down. A Hierarch is usually allowed to name her own successor, unless she leaves the post in disgrace, in which case the Councillors elect the new Hierarch.


A member of the council. Traditionally there are four or five Councillors in addition to the Hierarch, and each Path has a single representative.
A Councillor usually holds the post until he dies, willingly steps down, retires, or falls out of favour with the rest of the Consilium. The remaining Councillors elect a new member to fill any vacancy.


Mages tasked with ensuring the council’s orders are carried out. Each member of the council usually appoints a Provost to represent him, and so mages in this post often act as proxies for the Councillor (or Hierarch) they serve.


Enforcers appointed by the Hierarch to patrol the Consilium’s Sancta and Demesnes and carry out its rulings.

The council dispatches a Sentinel whenever a mage or cabal has violated Consilium mandates. If Provosts ensure that member cabals adhere to council instructions, a Sentinel provides them with an incentive to cooperate. She may deliver a polite warning, command an immediate tribunal appearance before the council, or mete out a stern punishment — depending on the severity of the transgression and the orders of the Consilium.


Ambassadors and messengers of the Consilium, appointed by the Hierarch. Heralds deliver news and general announcements to member cabals and represent the Consilium to other Consilia.
They frequently welcome new arrivals to the region and ensure they are aware of Consilium rules.


Masked executors of justice who carry out the sentences the Consilium passes. Only a Guardian of the Veil can hold this post, and most Interfectors serve all the Consilia within the local Guardian Caucus.