Arcanum: Death
Practice: Patterning
Primary Factor: Duration
Withstand: Stamina
Suggested Rote Skills: Occult, Medicine, Subterfuge

The mage transforms the subject’s body and all her personal possessions into a mass of moving and animated shadows.

The mage may choose to make the subject a three-dimensional or a two-dimensional shadow. Three-dimensional shadows still have no apparent mass or substance, and cannot interact with physical objects.

Two-dimensional shadows may move through cracks and crevices, though are still bound by the laws of gravity and must remain touching the floor, even if moving on walls.

The subject retains all of her Attributes and Skills, but may not take physical actions other than to move, though she can still cast spells.
She is immune to attacks or damage, but not Supernal magic, while in her shadowy form.
She is effectively invisible in natural or supernatural darkness, though she can see in them herself.