Arcanum: Matter
Practice: Patterning
Primary Factor: Duration
Suggested Rote Skills: Crafts, Empathy, Science

The mage can transmute any inert matter into any other form of inert matter: lead into gold, water into wine, wood into chlorine gas, etc.

The purity and quality of the transmuted matter is determined by the spell’s Potency: treat Potency as an equipment bonus or equivalent Resource Merit dots for a single purchase, whichever is appropriate.

Both the initial substance and the transubstantiated substance must be relatively pure: Wood can be transformed into gold, but not into gold chased with silver.

(The Stygian Mysteries teach that “purity” is a perceptual concept — so, for example, even though “wine” and “steel” are made up of numerous compounds, they are concrete enough as concepts to be transmuted).

Add Life ••••: Transform matter into living things, or transform a living being into inert matter (but see rules on permanently transforming someone with magic). Unless the mage also adds Mind •••••, any organism created is mindless, driven purely by instinct.

+1 Reach: The mage may transmute multiple substances into a single substance or vice versa.