Arcanum: Matter
Practice: Unmaking
Primary Factor: Potency
Withstand: Durability
Suggested Rote Skills: Athletics, Intimidation, Science

The mage can destroy inert matter, reducing it to nothingness and utterly dissolving its atomic lattice.

In effect, he makes it cease to be.

Whereas objects destroyed by Nigredo and Albedo shatter or crumble as appropriate, matter destroyed by this spell is annihilated; nothing remains of it.

Magical objects and materials, such as tass or Artifacts, cannot normally be destroyed with this spell.

+1 Reach: For one point of Mana, the spell can destroy magical objects as well. In this case, the spell is Withstood by the Supernatural Tolerance of the subject or its maker, as appropriate (e.g. the Rank of the spirit bound to a fetish, the Blood Potency of a vampire whose Vitae the mage is trying to destroy, or the Gnosis of the mage who crafted the object). If no such trait applies, use the object’s Durability.