Arcanum: Prime
Practice: Patterning
Primary Factor: Potency
Suggested Rote Skills: Athletics, Expression, Occult

The mage summons the Supernal fires of the Aether to smite her enemies. This is not base, Fallen flame, but rather the pure expression of Awakened will.

This is an attack spell; its damage rating is equal to the spell’s Potency, and it inflicts lethal damage.
The spell affects Twilight entities.

+1 Reach: The celestial fires of this spell ignite flammable objects in the scene.

+1 Reach: For one point of Mana, the spell inflicts aggravated damage.

+1 Reach: In lieu of damage, the mage may assign Potency to instead destroy the target’s Mana. One level of Potency so assigned destroys one point of Mana, and Potency may be freely split between Mana destruction and damage.