
Drive is a broad Skill used for the operation of any motorized vehicle. It is used for manoeuvring and controlling automobiles, motorcycles, and even boats.

  • It’s assumed that pretty much any modern character can perform basic driving under safe conditions, even without this Skill.
  • However, if a character gets involved in a high-speed chase or tries to elude a tail, Drive is used to determine how well they handle themselves.
  • The Drive Skill is needed when the character is in a dangerous or stressful situation, is trying to do something tricky, or is driving at very high speeds.
  • If you want your character to be capable of piloting aircraft as well, you need to take the Skill Specialty in Piloting.
  • A character without the Piloting Specialty is considered untrained if he attempts to operate a plane or other aircraft.


Sample Actions

Sample Specialties

  • Evasion
  • Motorcycles
  • Piloting
  • Racing
  • Stunts

Sample Contacts

  • Bush Pilot
  • Mechanic
  • Street Racer


Examples and descriptions of someone at each level

Novice (1 dot)

  • A character with this level of the Skill keeps his head when driving in dangerous weather or treacherous road conditions, and anyone trying to run him off the road will find it surprisingly difficult
  • With the Piloting Specialty, the character can handle small, private aircraft.

Professional (2 dot)

  • A character at this level could easily work as a truck driver or cabby
  • She has driven in just about every type of condition at one time or another
  • A pilot at this level can fly pretty much any private aircraft, and could probably fly a commercial jet in a pinch.

Experienced (3 dot)

  • Skilled race car drivers and stuntmen have this level of Drive
  • A pilot at this level might work professionally flying commercial jet liners

Expert (4 dot)

  • At this level, a character can handle a highspeed chase in downtown traffic or drive through a war zone without blinking
  • Pilots at this level can handle fighter jets

Master (5 dot)

  • There is no vehicle on earth that this character can’t drive