Arcanum: Time
Practice: Patterning
Primary Factor: Potency
Cost: 1 Mana
Suggested Rote Skills: Empathy, Investigation, Streetwise

Weaving between the many immediate potential futures, the mage can read the immediate futures of her subjects and react accordingly to thwart (or aid) their plans.

In combat, while this spell is in effect, the player can require that every character affected by the spell declare his or her action at the start of every turn. The player need not declare her own action, but instead can choose to act freely at any point within the Initiative order.
This trumps all other supernatural Initiative effects save for those created by the Time Arcanum, which requires a Clash of Wills.

In Social situations, the mage adds Doors equal to Potency when the target of Social manoeuvring by her subject, or removes them from a subject she is manoeuvring against.