
Survival represents a character’s experience and ability to “live off the land.” He knows how to find shelter, gather food, and endure harsh elements and environments.

  • He can use the Survival Skill to find clean drinking water or hunt animals for food, build simple structures, and build a fire.
  • The Survival Skill is not limited to wilderness or rural locales
  • It can also be used to survive in an urban environment when you have no other way of getting food or shelter
  • The Survival Skill does not cover dealing with animals beyond hunting
  • The character can track an animal, but without the Animal Ken Skill, doesn’t understand much about the animal’s behaviour
  • He wouldn’t have much luck trying to calm a bear that found its way into his campsite


Sample Actions

  • Foraging (Wits + Survival)
  • Hunting (Wits + Survival)
  • Sleeping in the open (Stamina + Survival)

Sample Specialties

  • Foraging
  • Hunting
  • Navigation
  • Shelter
  • Weather

Sample Contacts

  • Homeless Person
  • Off-the-grid Survivalist
  • Scout Master


Examples and descriptions of someone at each level

Novice (1 dot)

  • A character at this level is probably a regular wilderness camper or hiker
  • She can care for himself while lost in the wilderness for a few days

Professional (2 dot)

  • At this level, a character has spent a great deal of time out in the elements
  • He might have gone on wilderness excursions in Alaska, worked in a national park, or have been forced to fend for himself on the streets for weeks at a time

Experienced (3 dot)

  • At this rank, a character can care for a small group of people in the wilderness, keeping them fed, healthy, and safe until they are found or they have a chance to return to civilization

Expert (4 dot)

  • Barring a disaster, a character at this rank could live off the land indefinitely
  • She may not be particularly comfortable, but she can take care of necessities

Master (5 dot)

  • A character at this rank could be dropped into the middle of the desert with no equipment and walk out
  • He knows how to survive in the harshest environments on earth