Arcanum: Life
Practice: Perfecting
Primary Factor: Duration
Suggested Rote Skills: Athletics, Medicine, Survival

The mage may improve the subject’s Physical Attributes.

The spell increases Strength, Dexterity, or Stamina (chosen when the spell is cast) by its Potency. This increase affects any Advantages or other traits derived from the Attribute’s level.

The effects are subtle in appearance; the affected target doesn’t grow or gain any obvious muscle mass, but observers can detect even subtle hints of changes to balance, strength, or stamina.

The affected Attribute cannot be raised above the subject’s maximum Attribute dots (5 for normal human beings).

+1 Reach: The spell affects an additional Attribute, dividing the spell’s Potency between both. This effect may be applied twice to affect all three Attributes.

+1 Reach: By spending a point of Mana, the mage may raise an Attribute above the maximum rating for the subject.