The gross Arcanum of Stygia, Matter is a study in contradictions.

General Description

It is at once the Arcanum of stasis and transformation, creating objects that will last a thousand years and reshaping objects at a whim. Matter’s purview is all the inert, lifeless things of the world: iron and steel, air and water, and all the riches of the earth. Things which were once alive but are no longer, as well as substances derived from life but which are not themselves alive, are also governed by this Arcanum.

A Matter spell can rot and warp the boards of a wooden house, or turn a glass of water into wine. Matter is seen as the most base of the Arcana by many mages, closest to the profane Lie, but the Stygian Masters know that the crude Matter of the Fallen World is but an echo of the perfected material of the Supernal.


  • Alchemy
  • Gases
  • Solids
  • Liquids
  • Shaping
  • Crafting
  • Transmutation
  • Stasis

Spell List

Initiate (1 Dot Arcana)

Apprentice (2 Dot Arcana)

Disciple (3 Dot Arcana)

Adept (4 Dot Arcana)

Master (5 Dot Arcana)