Vice is a character’s short-term comfort. It is the easy way out, the personality trait she takes comfort in to avoid confronting her actual feelings or problems. Like Virtue, acting on a Vice reinforces the character’s sense of herself, even if it is self-destructive. It still helps relieve stress and allows her to refresh herself, but it’s not healthy behavior in the long term.


(From the book)

Ambitious - Your character wants to get ahead, to move up the ladder – no matter what the cost. She wants advancement, rank, and authority in advance of what she actually has earned. Regain Willpower when your character jockeys for position or tries to advance socially instead of pursuing a more useful activity.

Arrogant - Your character is good at something, and makes sure everyone knows it. He defines himself by being “better” than those around him. This goes beyond justifiable pride in an ability. Regain Willpower when your character takes an opportunity to lord his superiority over someone else.

Competitive - You character needs to win. Nothing makes her happier than crossing the finish line first, and nothing makes her angrier than losing. She may even be willing to cheat in order to get her victory. Regain Willpower when the character indulges in a competition that distracts from other, more pressing, matters.

Greedy - Your character wants to hoard resources, keeping them for himself in case they are useful someday. Regain Willpower when you take an advantage for yourself, denying it to another character